Anonymous – Operation Turkey


Published on 2 Jun 2013

Webchat: or
Network: or IRC:
Port(s): 6667 — SSL(6697)
Channel: #opTurkey
#opTurkey Information Center:
Press Release

Greetings Government of Turkey

We are Anonymous.

We have watched for days with horror as our brothers and sisters in Turkey who are peacefully rising up against their tyrannical government have been brutalized, beaten, run over with riot vehicles, shot with water cannons and gassed in the streets. From the epicenter of their revolution in Taksim Square to every city in Turkey, the people have spoken. Hundreds of thousands have taken and held the streets for days, despite the relentless assault of the police. Thousands have been arrested. Where differ you exactly from a Junta!

Turkey is supposed to be a so called “modern” democracy, but the Turkish government behaves like the petty dictators in China or Iran. Anonymous is outraged by this behavior, and we will unite across the globe and bring the Turkish government to it’s knees. We will attack every internet and communications asset of the Turkish government. You have censored social media and other communications of your people in order to suppress the knowledge of your crimes against them. Now Anonymous will shut you down, and your own people will remove you from power.

We have seen in the past your totalitarianism the same as with Mubarak you know what happend to him don’t do this to ur own people bee wise and step down and let the people decide there fate.

To the people of Turkey No matter how dark it may seem, no matter how alone and abandoned you may feel know that the world is watching. Know that anonymous is working tirelessly around the clock to bring you every assistance., know that Anonymous stands with you in this fight. Don’t be ruled by them but rule over them “Think For Yourself, Question Authority” .

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Government of Turkey, it is too late to Expect us.



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Anonymous – The Anonymous Messenger


Published on 26 Mar 2013

Greetings citizens of the world,

Whether you know it or not, humanity has lost an amazing human. TheAnonMessage is no longer with us, he has passed away. TAM was so much more than a legendary Anon, TAM was a smart human being, he had a great sense of humor, yet was very serious when working on Anonymous operations. He knew exactly how to keep things short and simple without being confusing or uninspiring while getting an important point or message across.

Personally I was privileged to have many wonderful and truly moving conversations with TAM. I will always consider TAM my friend, he was and still is like a brother to me. He wanted humanity to be free, he dreamed of seeing the day when peace would surround the globe, when brothers and sisters would care for one another, when soldiers would lay down their arms and return to their families, leaving the battlefield forever.

Several months ago TAM was kidnapped, afterwords he went on the run in fear for his safety, pledging to return to Anonymous when he could. He died in a world of corruption and hate, yet his legacy and dreams live on in all of us. We have the power to honor TAM’s dream and make it a reality! To many have died, technology today can prevent many of the deaths we see in the world. It’s our duty to ensure everyone has access to that technology, and we have a duty to create new cures and technology for those that can’t be saved by current technologies.

We need to unite for peace, TAM’s dream is our dream. This is it, it’s time to make a decision humanity! Are you going to continue to sit by while thousands of people like TAM die everyday? We don’t simply want peace, we need peace to prevent the senseless deaths of fellow humans all around the planet. Our species is under attack by itself, we are our own biggest threat. Life is something we take for granted much too often, even worse we fail to protect the life of those we see around us. TAM never got to see peace on Earth in his lifetime, however we can ensure no one else dies before seeing that day.

This is your chance humanity, don’t let everything TAM and so many others fought for be in vein!

Rest in peace TAM, you were one of a kind on Earth. You helped me when no one else would, I’ll forever be in your debt.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive,
We do not Forget,
Expect us.…



Credit for the final image goes to TheAnonShade.

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Music: Must Save Jane – Undiscovered Realms

Anonymous – Symbiotic Subsistence #OpELE


Published on 10 Mar 2013

Operation ELE:
Symbiotic Sybsistence:…

7,000,000,000 People
7,000,000,000 Human Lives
More than you could ever know in a lifetime
Our species has dominated the Earth with our cities
Our communication networks span the globe
We have pierced the heavens and made the sky our domain
Our massive empire brings light to darkness
Derived from common ancestors
Sisters and Brothers
Too many names to remember we have become


We are the manifestation of the human spirit and we are world wide
As diverse as life itself no label can explain us all
But at the core of our being stands a prevailing idea which holds us together
It is the law of every great society
It is the will of every great deity
It is a binding force
The Ultimate Prescription


The Media profits from our pain
They sell us violence and hate
Money and Power
Lust and Ego
But these things do not endure
They are meaningless and fade away with time
Our true message is eternal and can not be forgotten
It is a message of Peace Love and Unity
Solidarity with every Nation 
Love for all People

Operation ELE



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Anonymous – #Operation Expose


Published on 10 Feb 2013


IRC Network: 6667 or SSL: 6697
Channel: #opExpose
PR release:

To all Concerned and Truth Seekers,

It has come to our attention that our freedoms and rights are now being fully manipulated and taken away by our greedy and corrupted governments. These unconstitutional and unethical methods are being used on our very own people in order to push and pass laws that will eventually lead to us becoming slaves to the corrupted, and continue to feed the greedy hands with money.

Anonymous has come a long way and has gone through many phases. Yet, we are still here and making sure that the people remain safe, free, and most importantly, happy with the daily life we must live in order to provide for our families and loves ones. We can no longer stand the hypocrisy and fallacies that you, the Government, try to feed us every day and yet promise change.

We ask everyone who has been betrayed, punished, stripped of your freedom and rights to stand up as One. Although we may come from different parts of the globe, we will rise as one voice and one voice only. We may be many but this one voice will be louder and will be heard for ages to come.

We must conduct our own research, gather our own intel and expose the very people who are too blind to see the danger of their actions… from false flag operations to domestic injustices and broken promises.

To the governments that portray prosperity and yet steal from us and fail to provide, Expect Us!

Phase I is now initiated. Spread awareness and knowledge to the masses.

Research, Gather, Expose!

Welcome to Operation Expose.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.


Anonymous – Emergecy Message to IRC using Anons

Published on 1 Feb 2013

Greetings World, we are anonymous.
This is an emergency broadcast to all our fellow anons.

We’ve always knew that the FEDS have infiltrated in all related Anonymous IRC servers and/or channels a long time ago.
However, as of late. The FEDS have started to become more and more agressive in their ways of taking action.
A lot of our sources have been confirming lately that People who enter the IRC with their IP not beeing disguised,
are immidiatly taken note of and followed trough various operations that work trough the IRC. This way, the Pigsforce can easilly
focus upon people who take part in lots of operations our discuss what the FEDS see as “illegal activities” even though it is a fair and legitimate way of protesting.
As of lately, More and more people are beeing arrested, More and more of our fellow anons and helpers are beeing kidnapped by the law enforcement.
At the time of writing this message, they might very well be tracking me, you, or another fellow anon brother or sister down. However we are angered by this, this is not yet the time to change our defence into offense.
Untill the time comes to turn our defensive actions into offensive actions, we advice you to be highly aware that anything you do or say on an ANON IRC may very well be recorded by the Federal Bullshit Investigation. or the See Eye Piramid.
We advice you to follow the following advices:
1: It is dangerous to discuss too much about operations on the IRC without any form of protection. A VPN or TOR or even both are adviced.
2: Look out for suspicious persons or activity. If you can please take note of the nickname of the suspicious person. so that you know to look out for them in the future.
3: Highly important data should NOT be shared using the IRC, we are talking about data like Leaks or doxes for example. This can better be shared using TORMAIL or disposable email adresses.
4: Be aware, Be on your guard. Anyone might be your -and our- enemy.
5: Make sure you leave no traces to your IRL activities ANYWHERE.

Please make sure to follow these advices if you desire a good and safe experience with the Anonymous IRC.

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We will not forgive
We will never forget.
We have been watching.
We are the people’s all seeing eyes.