#MustWatch The Evidence is Above Your Heads…Part 2…

Uploaded on 1 Feb 2015

People around the world are noticing that our planet’s weather is dramatically changing. They are also beginning to notice the long lingering trails left behind airplanes that have lead millions to accept the reality of chemtrail/geoengineering programs. Could there be a connection between the trails and our severe weather? While there are many agendas associated with these damaging programs, evidence is now abundant which proves that geoengineering can be used to control weather.

While geoengineers maintain that their models are only for the mitigation of global warming, it is now clear that they can be used as a way to consolidate an enormous amount of both monetary and political power into the hands of a few by the leverage that weather control gives certain corporations over the Earth’s natural systems. This of course, is being done at the expense of every living thing on the planet.



Geoengineering, A Clear And Present Danger…

By Dane Wigington

Published on 6 Dec 2014


This video presentation was done in Northern California on November 21st, 2014, it is a wake up call. When the ship is going down, one must prioritize their time, their actions, and their energy. The planet is dying. Though there are countless forms of damage to Earth from human activities, climate engineering is mathematically the greatest single source, it is the epitome of human insanity. Our society has been very well trained to turn two blind eyes to the big picture, and to simply spend their time and energies only on their own pursuit of personal pleasures. If this paradigm is not overturned, and people do not choose to stand and face the challenges closing in on us, we will have no chance. Now is when we decide why we are here. Now is when we decide what it means to show our love for our children. If life on Earth is to have any possibility of survival, if our children are to have any chance of a future, we must all stand together in the battle to preserve what life is left on our once thriving planet. If we do not act today, we will not have tomorrow.



Chemtrails/HAARP: The Evidence is Above Your Heads…


There is very strong evidence to imply that the H.A.A.R.P. (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is being employed to control natural events and to manipulate the weather; and that one of the purposes of chemtrails is to stimulate the atmosphere in order to facilitate the H.A.A.R.P. mechanism…



Killuminati – The Movie

NWOResistance HereAndNow

Published on 30 Apr 2014

This is a documentary about political issues, the truth about 911, lying politicians, new world order, satanic government, ancient history & cultures, rituals, freemasonry, the illuminati, tv mind control & more..

Its all about being aware of what’s happening in our backyard, it’s time to wake up. We all have been asleep for too long.



“Elites:” This Letter Is Real, Your Attention Is Required

“Elites:” This Letter Is Real, Your Attention Required

Brothers and Sisters of our ruling class, Royal Family members, Bloodline Family members, Heads of State, Heads and High Officers of Multinational Corporations, High Officers and Heads of Banking Organizations, to you all, Greetings!

The multitudes of the world look at you with awe and wonder.  They believe what you have taught them to believe, that you are benevolent people, always on guard to protect our welfare and to decide and do what is best for us.  They see you as beautiful, powerful, and mysterious, they believe that your appearance, your facade that you show to the public, is who you really are.  The media, which you own and control, and to whom you dictate the “news” and the values to convey to the people, that media puts your faces on the covers of magazines, your regal presences looking down on us with compassion and wisdom beyond what we can understand.

So the public celebrates the birth of royal babies, the inauguration of presidents and prime ministers, the choosing of central bank spokespeople,  and the coronation of kings and queens, the heads of government agencies.  They are grateful that you and your staffs, your brilliant scientists and your insightful economists are there to preside over so many aspects of our lives that ordinary mortals can no longer understand or properly manage.  They are grateful as you allocate resources, or tell us how to use and conserve ours, to save us from the plagues and shortages that only modern medical and economic science can overcome or prevent, and they cheer as you decide for us where our military protectors should be sent to save us from the invading and violent savages who might attack us at any moment.

You are indeed celebrated and revered by our masses like gods among us, given the power of life and death over us, along with free reign to use our assets as you see fit, to protect us now and our children and descendents into the future.  Millions idolize you and long to rise even to positions of your minor servants, and thus share in the aura of your power and mystery, as well as the physical wealth.  But in all this glory of your status among us, there is one problem.

It’s What You Do

That problem is your actions, the realities behind the masks.  Your camouflage is sophisticated, complex and layered.  But there are those among us that see through at least some of the layers.  They see royal family members, attending polo matches and other high society affairs with the most meticulous of mannerisms suitable to the upper class, but they also see those same family members hiding child kidnapping, torture operations and eugenics plans in the shadows beyond the reach of the limelight.  They see heads of international pharmaceutical companies, backed up by prestigious medical organizations,  announcing their plans to cure disease with the latest miracle drug or vaccination, but they also see the numbers of  deaths these miracle drugs and vaccines are designed to cause already calculated for each area of the world and each demographic group to whom they will be promoted.  And they see that the more drugs and vaccines and invasive “therapies” are used by the people, the sicker everyone gets, the more rampant is medical drug addiction, and the more income flows to the health care system as the population sinks farther into disease and an unnatural, torturous process of contrived “aging,” which we are told is inevitable.  They see presidents and prime ministers take solemn oaths of office after long campaigns full of lofty promises, and the promises and oaths are broken with disdain immediately after taking office.  They see the high level global banking representatives  promising to save the world from economic downturns, followed by not only downturns but disasters and progressive  loss of value as wealth is transferred step by step from those who earn it to those who play the game of the banking scam, manufacturing pretend wealth out of nothing.  They see the armies of your servants, scurrying about following your direction to craft laws with language so deceptive as to be unintelligible to the average person, yet full of more and more infringements of the rights all people are endowed with at birth, those rights which governments can at best recognize and affirm, but which come to all people from their Creator, not from any head of state.

Deception and Assault on Us From Multiple Directions 

And these people see the skeletons in your closets, the dark side of your activities that show you may pretend to be our friends but are really working as our enemies, and deadly ones at that, bereft of remorse or compassion, taking enjoyment from our pain.   Growing numbers of us are waking up to what you are really doing to us and our world, which you think belongs to you.   We see that you have been systematically destroying us economically and stealing all of our hard earned resources by way of financial tricks.  One of the most prominent of these tricks is the scam of central banking.  You have used this maneuver to take over countries and wreck their economies, including the U.S. and many other nations around the world. It is a simple trick, yet your deception and skillful promotion are so subtle that the majority of people still don’t understand how you do it, or that you are doing it at all.  Your modus operandi is to come into a country, like you did in the U.S. in 1913, and make a deal with those in power, who are usually quite open to the usual bribes and threats, the carrots and sticks that you use.  You set up your own company and give it the right to issue the country’s money simply by printing it or entering numbers on a computer.  You get the legitimate government to give its sole right to this function to you in exchange for whatever payoffs are needed to buy the votes.  This takes the country into debt as the government borrows its money from this new exclusive money issuer called a “central bank.”  Once this process starts, the economic fate and destruction of the country are assured, unless the central bank is abolished in time, which rarely happens.  New taxes are instituted to pay your central bank for the borrowed currency, and even then, when the inflow of new money and its associated debt outpaces the taxes, an unpayable obligation  is predictably created, and you own the government which agreed to this scandalous deal.  Deceptively labeled “free trade” agreements at the same time guarantee the death of the very industries that keep any country strong, and in the U.S., this has turned a once strong and independent nation of free people into a subservient land of slaves, with no way to earn our own way as a nation, or to reclaim even a piece of real national security, dependent as we have now become on industries outside our borders, giving the rulers and bankers of other nations the license to dictate our terms of life.

And since government uses force to control the people of the country, you own the general population too.  If the U.S. government had been honest and not receptive to bribery or threats, your central bank here could never have gotten  started.  If the people of the nation had been awake and aware of the incredible danger of allowing a central bank to exist, you would have been quickly thrown out of the country, perhaps indicted for your attempted financial coup, which unfortunately has become reality.  But neither of those conditions existed, so you and your scam got in and took root.  The same scam, in some variation, is in play in every country with a central bank in your system is issuing the currency.  This is exactly why Mayer Rothschild famously said “Give me control of a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes it’s laws.”

How Will You Kill Us?

And now, as the time you have waited for approaches, and with it your long planned culling, you have set in motion many options.  Which will you choose?  What will you do to us, to remove us from this world and have the planet to yourselves, as has been your plan since ages past?  Will you unleash one of your bioweapons on us while you hide underground or take your antidotes, promised by your masters in the system above you?  Will you unleash deadly global weather patterns (that are already underway), patterns you are controlling with the chemtrails that your news minions say do not exist?  Will you unleash horrors in every land using the HAARP system, either to cause earthquakes, tsunamis and other Earth disasters, or simply to broadcast frequencies so intolerable that you will drive us mad, rushing to our own destruction just to end the pain?  Will you finish us off with poisoned food, no option but deadly GMO’s and pesticides in every grocery store item, so that we die in agony as the biotech industries’ weapons tear apart our bodies from the inside, as they were always designed to do?  Or will you leave it to economic ruin, already in progress, to drive us into desperate war with each other, no way to get food or stay warm (or cool), and just watch us kill each other in a famine-induced civil war?  And there are more options you have set for yourselves.  So many more it would take many pages to list them even briefly.  You are so proud of them, anxiously awaiting the time when all will be in readiness and the decision will have been made on which ones you choose to unleash.

1776 Still Lives

There are those among us, brave souls, informed and well read, who understand the spirit of freedom that started America, and which burns in the heart of freedom loving people everywhere, for which so many were willing to risk their lives fleeing tyrants to come here to live free of oppression.  The spirit of 1776 still lives, and those in whose hearts this fire burns are ready to die resisting you.  They love their lives and their families, and they have so much they would rather do, in a more peaceful world, but they are ready to give up these things to know they gave everything for freedom as a gift to future generations.

Your Preparations For War

Yet, many of us also know that in the arena of physical violence, you have prepared long and well.  With unending malice, arrogant faith in your own superiority, and meticulous and organized planning to create and unleash your version of hell on Earth,

you have simultaneously set the wheels in motion for our demise from within while building up your arsenal, your weapons of hell.  You weaken us, your adversaries, on many fronts, to prejudice the final confrontation in your favor, as you think, beyond question of victory.  You dumb us down in our school systems.  From pre-school to post PhD programs, you teach us that we as individuals are nothing, the collective is the only one with rights, and those rights are best determined by experts designated as such by our rulers, to make all decisions for us.  You teach us and you teach our children that we all are stupid, you compartmentalize our learning so understanding the big picture and even our real history, become less than a memory to us, now dependent on authorities to explain and direct our lives.  You have poisoned our water with fluoride and other poisons that hurt our bodies very badly, and hurt our minds as well, so we can no longer think and feel normally.  You poison and over process our food with toxic chemicals, you kill the life in our soil, and now you do it not just from the ground but also from the air.  Even those of us able to procure good food for our families, fresh organic foods with live nutrients to prevent disease and the disintegration of unnatural aging,  even those people cannot buy organic air, and almost nowhere is left to find it as it once was.  While the deadly chemtrails damage our planet’s natural weather patterns, on which all life depends, the fallout from the spraying of these high altitude flights is poisoning our soils to the point where normal life will not exist on them, and only deadly GMO species of every type will be left to replace what used to be nature.

You Want Us To Act First

While most of us have been busy living our lives and caring for our families and those we love, you have spent your time preparing to murder us all, and you have built an awesome machine of destruction that is already at work.  So I will speak for those of us that understand why you desire us to depend on violence to set things right.  We know that you want to see us break under pressure, and kill each other and millions of your servants while you sit on the sidelines, enjoying the show you have waited all your lives to see.  At the right moment, you will eliminate whoever survives, perhaps dropping your bioweapon from the same planes that drop the slow kill poisons on us every day.  We have gotten used to them over our heads for many years now, and at the end, you can change what they drop on us from slow kill to fast.  We understand this.  We know that although we will never give up our God-given right to firearms and any kind of self-defense we can muster, this confrontation with you will not be ultimately won that way.   Even in “victory,” if such were allowed us by Providence, most would die in the process, or with they had.  It is not a road of choice, if other options exist.

And exist they do, but not where you have been looking.  I will tell you what they are, but first, a few words to specific groups.

Your Choice Lies Before You

To those working in your myriad of bureaucracies, we understand your need to feed your families and take care of yourselves the best you can.  We do not ask you to leave your jobs.  But we ask you to become quickly conscious of the effects of your work personally.  You are individually responsible for anything you do in the performance of your duties, and you must look for creative ways to prevent harm coming to others as a result of what you do in your job.  Where there is a will, there is always a way of some kind, if you are determined.  Join with others in your organization who care about the future of humanity, and educate yourselves about what your agency really does and what are the effects on people’s lives.  The time to follow orders blindly, caring not for the results in others’ lives, if it ever really existed, is definitely over now.  Time is short for humanity if a change does not happen very quickly.  We invite you to be part of that change, finish what remains of your life with pride by becoming aware of the implications of your actions, and do what will best serve humanity.

Military and Police

The same applies to police and military personnel, and you will have to face the choice in a unique way as you are asked to physically and violently turn against your brothers and sisters, against your neighbors, against those who trusted you to watch out for them.  You will be asked to use force against them, to put them into the concentration camps that are now staffed and ready, and you will be asked to hurt them, and to kill them, men, women and even the little children.  You are being trained and conditioned to that end now.  You must not obey these illegal and immoral orders, and you must do what you can so that others will not commit these atrocities either.  You have all taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and you must honor your oath.  Join the Oathkeepers organization, and let God and the world know you will not betray your sacred promise, or turn your back on your country to follow illegal orders.  The time has come for you to be true to your higher purpose, come what may.   Your job is to protect, not to betray.  Be true, and help bring your country back to life, as a place of personal freedom for all.  Let the camps remain empty, let the sound of freedom ring out above the chaos, and bring back peace.

Even Not To Act Is To Make Your Decision

To every man and woman totally immersed in your daily routines as this drama unfolds, educate yourselves and awaken.  Turn off your television, permanently and escort it from your home.  In place of its urgings to live the most superficial life possible, addicted to medical drugs and the latest style, listen to real news to learn what is happening around you.  Infowars.com and naturalnews.com are some of your best daily full spectrum globally televised, radio and print news, and they will wake you up enough to know which others are also telling the truth.   Learn the truth about health care and how to take care of your body.  This will help clear your mind and remove the fog.  Most disease, sickness and premature aging can be prevented and even cured if you learn the basics of detoxification and nutritional modalities that also use sunlight, fresh air, clean water, Earthing, and positive mental and emotional redirection.  Heal your bodies.  The way to do this and live free from disease in good health until death has been known well for thousands of years.  Rediscover it.  Teach your children at home or in local group facilities with other parents, to save them from the ravages of public and even many private schools.  They are the future of the world, do not lend them to the government brainwashing facilities, which is like throwing the finest diamonds into rock crushing equipment.  You brought them here, now do what they need you to do, and live a life that will inspire them to be true and to love and serve others.  It is your contribution to eternity, not an interruption of your time.

Persons Running Corporations, Banking, Media, Government Agencies, You Are All Deceived

To heads and officers of corporations, banks and government agencies, media outlets,  you may have been thinking what you do to others, especially if indirectly, does not matter, as you are only here to promote your own interests, and those few other people you may care about.  You may be thinking you are in a position of great power, a member of the privileged “elite.” Listen carefully, and take this very seriously.  You have made a false assumption, and have bet your life unwisely.  Those in the power structure above you have made you think you will be saved when most of humanity will be “culled.”  They lied to you.  As soon as your usefulness to them is finished, and it will be soon now, you will be thrown aside like the worthless trash they think you are.  You have an opportunity because of your position.  But it is not the one you think.  Your opportunity is to use whatever power you have in your position to make sure the evil agenda of destruction is stopped, and does not complete as planned.  You once knew you had a heart.  Once long ago, you cared for others.  Once long ago, you played as a child, with no awareness that you would stray onto a path of evil and harden your heart.  This is your turning point.  This is your wake up call.  Your time is short.  Use your power.  Use it to block the implementation of martial law, the mistreatment of your fellow human beings, the spreading of division by race, class, and the other imaginary dividing lines between people, and in all areas, the broadcasting of false information.  Much hope lies with those in positions of power who remember themselves as they once were, become human again, and use their intelligence to help turn the tide.  You can be part of that.  You can start to redeem yourself now, before your life is ending, and make your gift to humanity.  That power is in you still, and no one can stop it, if you allow it to come back to life.

Even the Families Themselves Must Reconsider

Heads of State, Bloodline family members, Foundation leaders, hear me now.  You are all thinking your are among the elite to be saved, for whom the world will become a private and personal playground.  A few human slaves, or just robots are to serve your every need and desire, and instead of dying you are to merge with machines in a kind of hybrid human-computer immortality.  This is your wake up call.  You have been lied to by those who issue your directives.  You are not the top level of this structure, there are those above you.  We are well aware of them, their motives, and their real plans.  They do not plan to save ANY humans.  They know that you cannot become immortal by the grace or use of a machine.  They laugh at you for believing that nonsense, and consider you idiots.  When it is time for you to die, nothing can stop that, even a computer.  Let that truly sink into your consciousness.  You are not to be saved by those above you, you are to be thrown away as garbage, by those who have deceived you all these hundreds and indeed thousands of years.  The motive at the top of your system is pure malice, not a new world, but annihilation, followed when your life is over, by the stored and recorded results of your actions, which you will finally realize when it is too late.  Your only hope is to change your paths now.  You do have a real chance to come back to human status, and to reconnect with your hearts, but time is short and you must make your decisions now.  Do not take your last minute opportunity lightly, but muster all the power and will that you can, and give your best effort to help humanity now.  Make up even a little for all you have done in ignorance and trusting in evil, which is about to destroy you.  Your brothers and sisters need you now, and the fable that you are other than one of us was always a lie.  Dwell on this in your hearts, throw away violence and fear and separation from your fellow beings. If enough of you turn away from the violent and heartless plan, you will help save not only the rest of humanity, but yourselves also.  Do not miss this chance, as it can save your life.  Now you know the “option” I referred to earlier.  It is an option for those of us who will give our lives for the cause of love and freedom, and to bring back a place we love.  That option is, instead of hatred and fighting you, we can first give you an honest invitation to change, to join us, to play your part in saving our world, and yourselves in the process.

How Strong Are You?  Can You Turn From Your Own Destruction Or Not?

In closing, there are many who are ready to die to resist the final culling of humanity, and to give their lives for our last chance to return to freedom, the respect for life and nature, the return of love and healing of our world.  But they know that if the final planned conflict actually occurs, most or all of us may not make it through.  In addition, those with the most inner maturity understand that war is not the way to healing, even if everyone is convinced they are fighting for what is right.  We have a last chance to mount our campaign not on violence and the desire to kill the servants of evil, but on universal Love, and the desire for even the current servants of evil to wake up and come back to us as our brothers and sisters, to turn from the path of darkness, and help us at this time of greatest need.  Stop the evil plan, which will otherwise betray you as well, and let your defection from its ranks help grind the gears of evil to a halt.  If you are reading this, the offering of peace, of love, of return to your deeply buried real self is being offered to you in earnest.  Thank good fortune you have yet this chance, this one hope to turn while there is time and a chance for you to serve.  Your dark masters have deceived you, one and all.  They have no qualms about terminating you as soon as your temporary usefulness is over, and that will be soon.  Your real family is offering you a chance to come back.  Thousands or millions of former servants of the dark side, turning away from their deceptive masters, could change the outcome of this play.  To paraphrase a famous movie line, we know there is good in you so we had to try.  Do you have the incredible courage it would take to turn at the last minute to light and real service, or are you truly already dead?  The decision is yours, consider well.

By Richard Sacks

The Commander X Lecture: The New World Order & U.F.O.s…


Uploaded 16 Mar 2014

This video is uploaded, please watch…

There is a written introduction to this lecture and to (pseudonym) Commander X, himself, at the beginning of this video.

He talks about what many of us know to be the truth – those who are no longer a symptom of the indoctrinated Deception which has been imposed upon us, as opposed to those of us who are still unaware…

Much of what he says reflects, in many respects, the lectures of controversial whistle Blower, William Cooper; particularly concerning the N.W.O., its origins, along with the aspirations of its founders – the Illuminati – a secret society which infiltrated the Masonic Institution.

I, along with many others, through historical research, believe this to be not a theory of an over imaginative mindset, but an actual fact which has surfaced into our present day political, global, structure.

Consequently, political and corporate authority was achieved, progressively spanning its abhorrent venture to all of the western world. Freedom and Liberty – our moral rights, are slowly but surely being taken from us. Commander X elaborates upon this in this lecture.

Myself, I do not know whether he is the real deal, so to speak – or not, but what I do know is what I have briefly described above as being true, is true. Thank you, regards, panoffolin…

(footnote: My views upon the UFO/ET reality may differ from the views of C’Xs, nevertheless they are an integral part of the reality we live in today..!)

GeoEngineering! This is a MUST WATCH Presentation!


Uploaded on 16 Feb 2014

Hidden Agendas supports Anonymous.

An important lecture by Dane Wigington.

People around the world are noticing that our planet’s weather is dramatically changing. They are also beginning to notice the long lingering trails left behind airplanes that have lead millions to accept the reality of chemtrail/geoengineering programs. Could there be a connection between the trails and our severe weather? While there are many agendas associated with these damaging programs, evidence is now abundant which proves that geoengineering can be used to control weather. Aerosols being sprayed into our sky are used in conjunction with other technologies to control our weather. While geoengineers maintain that their models are only for the mitigation of global warming, it is now clear that they can be used as a way to consolidate an enormous amount of both monetary and political power into the hands of a few by the leverage that weather control gives certain corporations over the Earth’s natural systems. This of course, is being done at the expense of every living thing on the planet.

Testing of rain has revealed high levels of aluminum oxide that has vastly increased over the last seven years, such toxic aluminum exposure could be connected to the rise in Alzheimer’s. Further, blood testing of some Arizona residents in the US revealed toxic levels of barium and aluminum, said to be components of chemtrails.

The Great Dumbing Down of Humanity and The Depopulation Agenda…


Uploaded on 9 Feb 2014

This is an edited collection of creative commons videos. My thanks and recognition of all attributes which have made the making of this documentary possible….

The term dumbing down describes the deliberate diminishment of the intellectual level of the content of schooling and education, of literature and cinema, and of news and culture. The idea of and the term dumbing down originated in 1933 as slang, used by motion picture screenplay writers, to mean: “revise so as to appeal to those of little education or intelligence.” Source Wikipedia.

Nothing more need be said! The above description says it all, and the dumbing down of society is an ongoing process. It had been implemented many years ago! What is encouraging today is that many people are beginning to see through the façade – they are waking up, yet, disconcertingly, many more people accept the “created reality” surrounding them. The aim of this short documentary is to at least open a few eyes as to what is REALLY occurring – what we have no need to blindly suffer anymore. Technology has been and is being employed to further the Dumbing Down process, and unless we make a stand to stop this, the dumbing down process will continue…

All I ask is that you at least find the time to watch the above video – then come to your own conclusions. Thank you…

FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (©) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes…

The RFID chip and Mind Control!

Published on 3 Feb 2014

This is an edited collection of creative commons videos 

Warning:Some graphic and Upsetting scenes!

Human identification

RFID chip next to a grain of rice. This chip contains a radio-frequency electromagnetic field coil that modulates an external magnetic field to transfer a coded identification number when queried by a reader device. This small type is incorporated in consumer products, and implanted in pets, for identification purposes.

On July 22, 2006, Reuters reported that two hackers, Newitz and Westhues, at a conference in New York City showed that they could clone the RFID signal from a human implanted RFID chip, showing that the chip is not hack-proof as was previously claimed. Privacy advocates have protested against implantable RFID chips, warning of potential abuse. There is much controversy regarding human applications of this technology…

Information Links:


FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (©) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes…

August 7th 1994, Biological Rain Attack on a small town in the USA…


Published on 2 Feb 2014

Does this story sound somewhat familiar – a substance containing Human white blood cells raining from the sky onto an unsuspecting township during August 1994?. The gooey substance proved to be biological, after being officially tested. The substance had caused those who came into close contact with it to become ill. It fell from the sky over a long period of time, transforming the immediate terrain into a picturesque white, as if a hail storm had hit.

The conclusion of this short documentary segment is that it was a germ warfare experiment. An experiment, once again, deployed on an unsuspecting town community.

Chemtrailing, however, is being deployed worldwide!!!

FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (©) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes…